Peilin Chiu
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Innate Wisdom Coaching
Wellness Empowered by
Ancient Wisdom, Science, and Technology
The Power in You
We all know that human body is an amazing healing organism. Even without doing anything, our cuts and wounds heal; our hair, nails, and skin renew; our hearts beat, food digested, and limbs move… all on autopilot. While this is great, it depends on us to keep it at tip top shape. Because whatever we eat, do, think, and feel have effects on our body, mind, and spirit, for better or worse.
Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle is very demanding on the whole body. We often stretch it thin and don’t allow it time and opportunity to heal. As a result, we easily forget and lose contact with our body’s innate healing ability.
Luckily, we can awaken and reconnect with the doctor within us by taking a mindful and holistic approach to heal.
How and where to start?
There is not a lack of information out there to facilitate a lifestyle toward your wellness goals. Many of them provide useful concepts, but executing the plan by yourself is another story. You might have tried them before, but find it hard to gauge your progress and maintain a sustainable routine. Here is where my help can make a difference, and more.
I use a revolutionary whole body scanning tool, NES BioWellness System, to detect the bioenergetic imbalance and blockages in your body, mind, emotions, and deterrents in the environment. The scan provides you with a healing roadmap and removes the guesswork. As medicines from Eastern traditions have demonstrated and are scientifically proven by quantum physics, our energetic body field is the “master control system” of our chemical body. The scan results thus help get to the root of your health challenges. When combined the scanning with my coaching that offers practical action steps customized to your needs, it speeds up the healing process.
With the help from science, technology, and professional guidance, you’ll get to unleash the innate wisdom in you to restore health, feel great, think straight (positive), and embrace what life has to offer.
we can harness the power in you to improve

Feeling gassy, bloated after eating? Dealing with auto-immune diseases? Food allergy or sensitivity?
Feeling burned out? Difficult to fall and stay asleep and don't wake up feel refreshed? Sore and pain all over?
Having brain fog? Skin breakouts? Bowel issues?

Dealing with hormonal imbalance? Heavy or painful periods? Not losing or gaining weight? Low libido?
Feeling overwhelmed easily? Having mood swings? Irritated easily ? Afternoon lows?
Having food craving beyond your control? Depressed? Feeling stuck in general?
Holistically speaking, these are all connected...
Meet Peilin

Hi! My name is Peilin! I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, whole food cooking instructor, cookbook author, and NES bioenergetic health practitioner.
After recovering from my own health challenges through natural and holistic methods, I empower my clients to live their lives fully and feel their best through the use of food, life style changes, constructive mindsets, and holistic healing modalities. ​​
Before I began working with Peilin I was in a rut. I found myself frequently despairing about the choices I made that didn’t serve the person I wanted to be. I was overweight and had a very negative perception of myself. Peilin helped me find an easy and accessible method of choosing health for myself. She helped me shift into wanting to treat my body well instead of struggling through guilt when I “failed” to eat right and exercise. Through adding nutrition therapy into my diet, and slowly shifting into a primarily plant-based diet, my energy has increased, and I’ve lost 15 lbs in 2 months that made me feel much more comfortable in my body. She was mindful and encouraging reminding me frequently that the road to health is a journey. I found the actionable steps she suggested helped me
attain my goals. I have maintained a healthier lifestyle for 6 months now and feel great! Thank you Peilin!
- Melanie Pennington
Before I came to Peilin, I was clinically depressed and didn’t care about living. I had endured a lot of trauma as a child and in a previous marriage. Covid and the loss of my mom added more layers to my grief. I was struggling with digestive issue, multiple sclerosis, and debilitated pain that forced me to stop doing my favorite activities. Through the guidance of Peilin and her nutritional protocol, I have released a lot of emotional baggage and started seeing the light within just 2 months. I feel great and very happy. I’ve regained my mobility to enjoy gardening again several hrs a day, 3-4 days a week! I’ve made so much progress and healing on many different levels that I am inspired to continue moving forward. I truly respect and appreciate Peilin’s coaching.
- Marsha R.
Get your free consultation and sample scan now!
Peilin Chiu
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Certified NES Bioenergetic Health Practitioner